Thursday, March 5, 2020

Not Letting Pain Get in Between Your Dreams

Not Letting Pain Get in Between Your Dreams Photo by carlos.a.martinez via The way pain can hinder someone is twofold. Emotional pain can stop someone to progress depending on how much it hits them. Some are more tolerable of pain whereas others are more deeply affected by words that get thrown their way. People adjust the way they speak to different people based of experience and what the relationship is like. You won’t be talking to your sensitive friend the same way you would to your best friend. If as a sensitive person someone tells you that your idea is undoable, that may be alone to cause the pain that will make you abandon that idea completely. Someone that tolerates his or her emotions more will not be intimidated by such a comment. They will still go through with their ideas and take more risk that will either be beneficial or disadvantageous; regardless, the benefits will not occur if no chances are taken. Physical pain can stop people from reaching their dreams in ways that some may not have though of before. For example, if there is a certain appearance required to obtain a particular career, some will not take the extra mile to get that look. Beauty is pain and for some women, that pain is not worth it. Getting your hair done, waxing, and staying in shape does not come easy and it weeds the strong from the weak. Men do not have to worry about that so much but they have to put up with more than women do. Men get assigned the most strenuous tasks that would otherwise not be assigned to women. There is still a great double standard between men and women in order to get to the next level. Can a cold stop you from accomplishing your daily tasks? How does being tired affect your performance in the things that matter the most? Can physical pain stop you from going to the next level? This is where your determination and ambition may be tested. Pain is all in the mind. Those who have taken it to the next level have learned how to ignore it at times or just tolerate it when it came in the way. Some people await extenuating circumstances to use as an excuse to stay away from success. It’s true that some are frightened by success. I believe that, as unfortunate as it sounds, there isn’t room for everyone to be successful. Everyone says they want to be on top, but talk is cheap. It’s easy to influence people with your words but it’s the people that do the less talking that work towards getting to the next level. Chase your dreams. Everyone has a calling but it takes some longer to figure it out. When you do figure out what it is, do not let pain get in the way of it. You don’t need a team to believe in you; believe in yourself!

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